Monday, March 30, 2009

Refresh, Renew, Redecorate

Get Organized!

Create a space that's beautiful and reflects who you are so that you feel at home with these home organizing tips.

• Pantry:
Stock your pantry by grouping like items together. Choose a shelf or an area for each category.
• Bulk shopping: If you buy in large quantities, create a warehouse “area”. This can be in the garage, in a spare closet or simply on the top shelves of your pantry. Instead of stuffing multiple items in every spare nook and cranny in your home making it nearly impossible to find anything, store the extras in one place and transfer them into your home as needed. When you see that you’re getting low on an item in your warehouse, add it to your shopping list.
• Paper systems: Have a plan for handling the paper that comes into your home. The key is to create an area to receive bills or any other important papers and stick to it. Recycle unnecessary or old paper immediately.
• Children’s paperwork: Create a “station” by the phone or a computer for often-used school information or schedules. Sign and return school papers immediately so they don’t get lost. Art projects go into a large box or stored in archival boxes.

When you think of your daily activities recognize that you most likely have some systems already in place. Consider adding new systems to those areas in your life that feel overwhelming.

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