Wednesday, February 11, 2009

Eco Friendly Offices

Often the most wasteful room in the house, follow these simple tips to make your workspace more eco-friendly and green.

From solar rooftops to kitchen composting to bamboo flooring, Canadian homes are rapidly changing to become more sustainable, more eco-friendly, energy-efficient and less toxic places.

But step into the home office and behold: cultural devolution! Computers and gadgets stay on day and night; toxic batteries, ink cartridges and old electronics get thrown into the garbage and pretty paper made from old growth forests lands itself in the printer.

We tend to fall off the green living and eco-friendly wagon when it comes to our home offices. On the whole, the trend of home offices is good from an environmental perspective: it eases gridlock and brings balance and common sense back into our lives.

But the power demands of home computers, internet, cellphones, printers, fax machines and myriad other home office materials still take their toll.

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