Wednesday, February 11, 2009

Eco Chic Design Style

Eco Chic Design Style
The most current design styles have always reflected what has been happening in the world ... whether it's be the fun and liberated look of the 60's or the cool slick modern of the later 90's these looks were always infuenced by the events going on in the world.

The newest look is certainly not one born out of trends but stems more out of a global concern.
Eco Chic has been fast becoming the look of the moment as the awareness of environmental issues grows. As with every previous decade designers and shoppers are eager to get them homes to fit in with the world around them.
Going green has certainly not taken anything away from style. This current look has in fact challenged designers, manufacturers, suppliers and the consumer to think outside the box on how to keep style high and mother earth even closer. “Eco Chic”is all about bringing the outdoors in but also keeping it as natural and environmentally conscious as possible ... but it isn’t really just about the look, sure it's about mixing natural materials in a sleek and sophisticated way. But it's also about being responsible about the things we bring into our home. There is a responsibility that exists in all of us, weather consumer or designer, manufacturer or supplier. We should not only feel responsible but also proud to choose products that are designed to help conserve our planet, and with this new Eco Chic trend there's no fear that we can do it in high style

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