Monday, March 30, 2009

Arranging a Bookshelf

Be consistent
• Consistency is one of the keys to an organized and structured looking bookshelf.
• Line up books by height from tallest to shortest, this will help to create a nice flow.
• Group together books that are similar in colour, tone or texture such as leather bound books.

Establish contrasts
• Accessories add a great contrast to books on your shelves…..the height and shape of the accessory displayed should differ from the height of any given row of books.
• Accessories with a metallic finish or round shapes often add the right amount of contrast that helps create a clean look.

Balance horizontal and vertical
• Harmonious arrangements give equal importance to horizontal and vertical visual lines.
• Relieve the repetitive verticality of row upon row of books by laying a few books on their sides. This will have the added bonus of creating small raised areas on which to place accessories.

Work in layers
• Add visual interest by having art on the shelves as well. the art will be small and scaled down to the size of the shelves. This will add another wanted texture to your shelving unit.

Start small
• When getting started on your shelving arrangement, it helps to envision the overall effect.
• Start by arranging one shelf located at eye level and continue from there.
• Remember to step back and make sure the entire arrangement is working together.

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