Tuesday, December 16, 2008

Care For Your Furniture

Wood and Veneer

• Wood and veneer are affected by light. For the first 6-8 weeks, when the item is first absorbing the surrounding light, keep the surfaces clear of any objects or decorations. It is possible that uneven light absorption could result in permanent marks and circles. At first, new furniture will also need time to absorb light before it will match the tone of your existing furniture
• Water is only to be used in small quantities and only in the form of a damp cloth. After wiping, always wipe dry with a dry cloth
• No polish or oil treatment of any form should be used
• Wood and veneer are very sensitive to liquids. Therefore, wipe up all spilled liquids immediately
• Always try to remove stains with the mildest cleaning materials

Furniture Textiles

• Protect fabric from direct sunlight to prevent color fading
• Regular cleaning: Vacuum frequently and use Textile Cleaner for general cleaning
• stain-cleaning materials should only be used after they have been tested on a small, less noticeable area to check the effect on the material


• Protect leather from direct sunlight and sources of heat to prevent color fading
• For general cleaning only use a dry soft clot, if necessary, wipe or lightly rub the whole surface with a clean, soft cloth wrung in soapy water
• If vacuum cleaning, use a soft brush nozzle to avoid scratching the surface
• We recommend using Leather Cleaner for cleaning the sofa/chair 2-3 times a year
• We also recommend using Leather Protection before you start using your new piece of furniture and also after use of Leather Cleaner

Upholstery In General

• If possible, switch the seat and back cushions on a regular basis to extend the life of your cushions and to ensure even wear over the years
• Cushions with a filling of foam/fiber should be shaken regularly to ensure form stability
• Expect a 'breaking in' period for your new sofa. The cushion fillings need time and use to stabilize so your cushions will feel smooth and comfortable
• All leathers and fabrics will stretch during use. To achieve best comfort, covers cannot fit too tightly. Therefore, some creasing may occur, but it adds character to the sofa or chair

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